Shocked and disgusted, the Trader Worlds conspired to have their forgotten brethen exiled far outside the territory they were claiming as their own. The people of that desert planet were eventually found to be practicing the utmost in scientific and social deviancy ancient taboos long since assumed to be law. Uring the formation of the Trade Order, emissaries found a single world orbiting a giant red star on the periphery of what was to become Trader Space. With their worlds destroyed and their species all but wiped out, the survivors began a desperate race to outrun their past. Relentless and unstoppable, their Dark Fleet sought to eclipse ever more civilizations until a cataclysmic error brought it all to an abrupt end.
He Vasari Empire ruled over countless worlds. As Sins of a Solar Empire has expanded, this march forward through time has continued. The events that have lead the three races to this point is part of a long history that began more than 10,000 years ago.